
Entity Definition

Logical Name : FinancialLedgerAccount
Physical Name : CO_LE_ACNT_FN

An organized collection of data in which the monetary transactions of the retail enterprise are posted in the form of debits and credits reflecting the income, expenses, current assets and current liabilities created through the regular conduct of business.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
FinancialLedgerAccountID (PK) The reference for the FinancialLedgeraAccount ID_ACNT_LDG Identity integer
FinancialLedgerAccountTypeCode (FK) A code denoting the type of a particular FinancialLedgerAccount CD_TYP_FN_LDG Code4 char(4) FinancialLedgerAccountType(CO_TYP_FN_LDG)
Description Human readable description of the FinancialLedgerAccount. DE_ACNT_FN_LDG DescriptionShort varchar(255)
BeginningBalanceAmount The balance at the beginning of the ReportingPeriod. MO_BLNC_BGN_FN_LDG Money decimal(16,5)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
FinancialLedgerAccountType classifies FinancialLedgerAccount
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of ServiceItem
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of Trade-InType
FinancialLedgerAccount classifies TenderRepositoryTenderAccount
FinancialLedgerAccount is tracked by FinancialLedger
FinancialLedgerAccount defines the accounting disposition of WorkerCommissionPlan
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of Tender
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of ZPromotionalOfferRewardDerivationRule
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of PriceModificationType
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of DisbursementFundsReceiptReason
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of TaxGroupRule
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of ICDChargeAllowanceProcessingRule
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of MiscellaneousFee
FinancialLedgerAccount classifies StoredValueInstrumentType
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of CustomerAccount
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of GiftCertificateClass
FinancialLedgerAccount is updated via FinancialLedgerJournalEntry
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of DepositRedemption

Logical Views containing FinancialLedgerAccount

Logical View
Logical 02390 - Retail Transaction - Stored Value Instrument
Logical 02395 - Retail Transaction - Deposit Redemption View
Logical 04000 - Financial Ledger - Macro View
Logical 04100 - Financial Ledger - Retail Transaction View
Logical 04200 - Financial Ledger - Tender Ctrl Transaction View
Logical 04300 - Financial Ledger - Inventory Control View
Logical 05100 - Taxation - Rules View
Logical 11120 - Worker - Job Definition View